
For Medical Students

The Emergency Medicine Clerkship Primer is a handbook written by many of the members of CDEM as a handbook for students to navigate and succeed in their Emergency Medicine rotation. Editor, David Wald.

“The focus of Emergency Medicine Clerkship Primer: A Manual for Medical Students is to assist medical students throughout their emergency medicine clerkship. Although the target audience for this manual is primarily junior and senior medical students, we believe that emergency medicine interns and off-service residents will benefit from the majority of the topics reviewed. Our goal is to produce a high-quality, professional guide that highlights the uniqueness of our specialty. This guide should provide the reader with a detail-oriented approach to thinking like an emergency physician, essentially a ‘how to’ manual.”

David Wald

For Clerkship Directors

Similarly the Medical Student Educator Handbook serves as a roadmap for the clerkship director or anyone educating medical students. This was also written by the CDEM membership and edited by Rob Rogers and Siamak Moayedi.

“The goal of this book is to assist emergency medicine faculty interested in medical student education in their efforts to develop a more successful emergency medicine clerkship based on highlighted best practices. This book is intended to offer the reader tools to deal with the challenges of running a successful emergency medicine clerkship, including addressing administrative and political considerations, promoting faculty, supporting faculty involvement, determining methods for evaluation, and developing novel teaching tools. We envision its use as a reference for up-to-date, practical information.”

Robert L. Rogers and Siamak Moayedi

For Clerkship Coordinators


For all the clerkship coordinators in Emergency Medicine who pour their heart and soul into a difficult job, day in and day out. This Clerkship Coordinator’s Handbook was created to help run the student clerkship. Wheterh a brand new coordinator or a seasoned veteran. The hope is that you will find tips and hints in this handbook that will make your job easier while making the rotation more valuable and educational for the students. The goal was to highlight the main issues and concerns that a coordinator will face in running the Emergency Medicine clerkship.

Sundip N. Patel and Richard Byrne

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